
The Manor Within

April 23, 2024

The first serialized Terrific story is complete! It’s called “The Manor Within,” and it’s a bit more surreal than usual. Read the first part here. You can also keep up with the series by following this index here. Don’t forget…

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A ‘Terrific’ New Series

April 5, 2024

I’ve been working on the sequel to The Flying Woman and The Silver Stranger, and I realized it needed a different format: shorter stories that build on each other, a mix of episodic adventures and ongoing sagas. That’s the sort…

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Come to the Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival

June 4, 2023

I’ll be back at the Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival on Saturday, June 17. For information, check out FIBF’s Facebook event and website. I’ll be at table D40 with a couple of superhero novels. I hope to see a bunch of…

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A Stack of Posts

April 6, 2023

I’ve been keeping busy over at my Substack, And the Quest for Pop Culture. Thank you to everyone who’s already subscribed, and I also appreciate everyone who just visits from time to time. For those who are just tuning in,…

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